Did you know on Google there are 3 billion searches every day, 20% of which are unique searches. Answer the public helps you locate these and create a direct line into your customers mind.
If you are looking for blog ideas based on questions, or simply looking for ways to add to existing content, please to try answer the public. If you have never used this before you will certainly have fun, and hopefully some away with some great ways or either improving existing content or armed with ideas for new content. Try and not let the man staring at distract you : )
The “How-To” Post
One project I was working on where Answer the public became of use was “How to” posts. Within the luxury and antique sectors these posts can be a great way of attracting people to your blog or website. Lets explore how answer the public helped…
If you simple enter “how to” into answer the public you may be inundated with results so you may need a barin-storming session before to be a bit more specific (examples below).
- How to clean…
- How to find…
- How to cook…
- How to fix…
- How to make…
- How to get…
Jewellery ‘How to …’ Pages
I did the above for a jewellery ecommerce client and found some interesting topics based around ‘how to clean diamonds’…

All that is left is to carryout keyword research to actually see which are worth producing.
If you would like me to carryout a free analysis of your website to see where you could benefit from this type of content drop me a message. If you wont benefit from this I WILL tell you.
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